It is important to choose a roofer who is licensed and insured. Working with a licensed professional decreases the chances that you’ll have to deal with a shoddy or low-quality installation job. States set specific requirements that roofers must meet to receive a license. As Contractors Liability shares, this typically involves passing an exam and acquiring insurance. However, these requirements may vary by state.
Beyond this, Trico Exteriors explains that choosing a licensed roofing company also offers protection against questionable or unethical business practices. For example, licensed roofers cannot require full payment for a job upfront. Instead, state licensing boards set the down payment amount — typically about 10% of the total cost — and the roofers must stick to this amount. Unlicensed companies may not abide by these rules and could make unfair payment requirements and then fail to follow through with the timely completion of the job.
Trico Exteriors points out additional benefits of working with a licensed company. For one, licensed roofers are required to provide customers with an official contract. Written contracts are binding documents that outline the work the company is promising to complete, the materials they will be using, and when the work will be started and completed. This document can support you if the contractor ends up straying from what was promised.
Licensed roofers will also carry workers’ compensation and liability insurance. In the event that the contractor gets injured while working on your roof or causes any damage to your property, their insurance will cover the necessary medical or repair bills. If you work with an uninsured contractor, you could be responsible for these bills.