NORTH WALES — Borough council has wrapped up the year by finishing the roof repair to the North Wales Area Library, before approving a batch of year-end items meant to set their agendas for 2023.
“This would be the final payment: second and/or final. This payment of $45,604 will be payment in full, and the job has been completed,” said borough Manager Christine Hart.
In August council awarded a contract for a roughly $178,000 roof repair at the library, which is located in a former factory building on Swartley Street that was converted from an industrial use and opened in 2010. In 2021 library leadership asked council for increased funding due to higher usage in the era of COVID-19, and in March 2022 the library announced a $90,000 grant award from the state meant to cover half of the roof repair cost.
During their year-end meeting on Dec. 13, Hart gave an update: the repairs by contractor Pro Com Construction Services of Warrington have now been finished, and the work and related documentation all vetted by the borough’s engineer.
“We have received $90,000 in reimbursement from the library, which will be deposited after council approves this payment, and we will submit for reimbursement for the other $90,000 from the state,” Hart said; council then voted unanimously to do so.
The manager then highlighted an upcoming event at the library: a performance by Elvis tribute act Jeff Krick Jr., to be held at 7 p.m. on Jan. 14. The event is bring-your-own-beverage and snacks, and tickets for $25 each are available in advance at the library or online via the library’s website.
Zoning hearing for brewery expansion
Hart also announced an upcoming date for residents to hear about a local business’s plans to expand, in a meeting of the town’s zoning hearing board slated for Jan. 5.
“101 Elm Avenue, most people know it as the Weber building, it’s an industrial building between Elm Avenue and Walnut Street. They’re looking for a special exception to permit the change of a nonconforming manufacturing use, to a ‘nonconforming roofing contractor, shop and storage and microbrewery production,’” Hart said.
“Ten-7, I don’t know if I should say that name — we want them to stay where they are, but they’re running out of production facility,” she said.
Ten7 Brewing is located on the 500 block of Beaver Street and has manufactured the latest brews onsite since 2018, Hart and assistant manager Alan Guzzardo told council, but need to make their case to the zoning board to expand to the new site, which is located in the town’s office-residential district.
The zoning hearing will be 7 p.m. on Jan. 5 at the borough building, along with a second hearing on a property on the 200 block of West Walnut Street where the owner is seeking variances from front yard setback requirements from Walnut and Swartley streets.
2023 schedules approved
Council also voted unanimously on Dec. 13 to approve the town’s public meeting schedules and holidays for 2023, details of which are included in council’s meeting materials packet for that night. All council meetings will be held at 7 p.m. on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month, according to Hart, except for December when meetings will be held on the 12th and 19th if needed.\
Hart added that she and staff have also begun contacting members of boards and commissions whose terms expire at the end of 2022 to ask if they’re interested in being reappointed, and those who indicate they’re willing to stay on will likely be up for council approval in January.
“These are kept up to date and posted on our website, and there are many other activities within the borough that you can volunteer for,” said council President Sal Amato. A full list of vacant positions is available on the borough’s website, and any resident interested in applying can contact Hart with a letter of interest and resumé at [email protected] or by mail to 300 School Street, North Wales PA 19454, with applications requested by the close of business on Jan. 5 for a vote at council’s Jan. 10 meeting.
North Wales borough council next meets at 7 p.m. on Jan. 10 at the borough municipal building, 300 School Street. For more information visit