THE historic Cheshire Cheese Pub at Latchford is seeking Listed Building Consent to open up existing fireplaces to install three log burning stoves.
It is part of ongoing renovation works at the popular pub which is set to host its first ever Cheesefields music festival this coming weekend.
The proposal involves opening three existing (blocked) fire openings in order to bring them back into use and the installation of wood burning stoves.
All existing fireplace have been previously infilled at an unknown date. A previous application was granted for the rebuilding of 5 chimneys, while another application was validated earlier this year for roof repair works.
The proposed Log burning stoves are to be made by the contractor to enable safe working practices to be adopted.
All works to be carried out by registered HETAS installers and the stoves are to be ‘Classic 8 eco stoves.
New Stainless steel flue liners are to be installed for the entire length of the flue up to the chimney pots.
Meanwhile the entire exterior of the pub has been repainted. New signage and new external lighting will follow this shortly.
The Smoking Shelter is also having a makeover and there will be new seating and planters on the front of the pub.
The Function Room has also had a coat of paint. In the next month or so the new Snug area will be fitted out with new seating and a new look completely.
The stoves are proposed to be installed a month or so later ready for the winter months.
An outdoor stage is also nearing completion for the Cheesefields Music Festival. After the festival the stage will then be used as an outdoor seating area and will be fitted with external heaters.
All this follows the repair to the roof and rebuild of the chimneys earlier in the summer.
Excitement builds for Cheesefields 2023