Oct. 11—BOSWELL, Pa. — North Star School District Superintendent Louis Lepley told the school board at Tuesday’s meeting that Boswell Borough Council hads approved the thruway the district plans to have installed at the rear of the elementary school parking lot.
“If all works out, hopefully before the snow flies, we’ll have that thruway,” he said.
Board member Robbie Bloom asked why the council voted on the road, and Lepley said that although the district didn’t need permission from the borough, it was a good-faith action.
At the August meeting, the board approved the expense of $31,137.77 to Sleek Enterprises LLC for construction of a gravel road that will connect the elementary lot to an existing road that opens onto Mississippi Street.
Other district work voted on Tuesday included a quote of $16,150 from Tuscano Maher Roofing to repair the roof at the elementary school. It was a unanimous decision.
TMR had been brought in to inspect the roof, which is in need of improvements because it’s about 20 years old.
It was previously reported that it was in good shape for its age, but a handful of spots need to be addressed.
The school directors spoke at the August and September meetings about options on how to proceed, such as installing a separate coating on the existing structure or replacing it completely, which would cost nearly $2 million.
Ultimately, repairs were chosen.
In other infrastructure matters, high school Principal Thaddeus Kiesnowski provided an update on the HVAC project at his building.
Kiesnowski said the rooftop units will be delivered in November and the switchgear is coming in March.
The plan is to have the contractors install the units so heat can be used through the winter and, by the end of next school year, the air conditioning should be fully functioning.
Martin Blough, board president, asked if the high school’s roof was in good shape and was told that it is.