Fall is here, and winter will be here before you know it. With the change in weather comes a list of home maintenance that all homeowners should tackle before the cold weather arrives.
“The best time to prepare for winter weather is before the potential ice, sleet and snow set in,” Mechele Agbayani, President and CEO of BBB Central East Texas said. “A bit of prevention can save you time, money and headaches.”
The BBB offers these tips when preparing your home for the colder weather:
Clean those gutters
Clean out gutters to prevent ice dams and water buildup. A build-up of leaves and other debris can cause your gutters and downspouts not to drain correctly. Improper draining can make water spill over your gutters, leading to foundation/basement damage and damage to your fascia boards. In the winter, ice dams can form that can let snow melt underneath your shingles. Get a listing of gutter contractors near you.
Inspect your roof and gutters
Inspect your roof for loose or damaged shingles and make any necessary repairs. Damaged or loose shingles can let in water and ice during the winter, creating interior damage. Visit BBB.org to get a listing of roofing contractors near you.
Test your smoke and carbon dioxide detectors
Making sure these essential safety tools are in proper working condition is manageable and vital to ensuring the safety of those in your home. The National Fire Protection Association offers excellent information on installing and maintaining smoke alarms. The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission has information on carbon monoxide detectors.
Check your window and doors for air leakage
Adding caulk and weather stripping helps prevent cold air leakage into your home and prevents spiders and insects from entering. Also, check where pipes and wires enter your home.
Organize your garage
You will undoubtedly use your garage a lot more in the colder months. Get rid of trash and clutter, and make sure your snow shovel and other winter-use items are easily accessible. Fill/repair any cracks or holes you see to prevent bugs and rodents from entering that will be seeking refuge from the cold. Find garage organizers near you.
Inspect your driveway
Fall is a great time to fill cracks and seal coats to prevent wintertime water/ice damage. Find driveway repair contractors near you.
Schedule HVAC maintenance
A professional Heating contractor near you can help service your heating unit and potentially save you up to 25% in energy costs according to the U.S. Department of Energy.
Protect pipes
Insulate pipes in unheated areas, like attics, basements, and crawl spaces. Cover up your outdoor water fixture (s). Spigot covers are reasonably priced at your local hardware store and help keep the exterior pipes from freezing.
Prepare the garden and keep it pest free
Trim trees and bushes away from your home to prevent heavy snow or ice damage. Clean up leaves and debris to prevent pests from finding shelter. For additional help, find a BBB Accredited pest control company near you.
Store patio furniture and other outdoor items
Put away or cover outdoor furniture, grills, and other summer items to protect them from winter weather.
Sweep your chimney
Clean and inspect your fireplace before using it. Ensure the damper works properly to prevent drafts when it’s not in use. Having the soot and possible blockages or creosote build-up helps reduce the risk of a chimney fire and can improve the efficiency of your fireplace. Find a chimney sweep near you.
Reverse ceiling fans
Turn your blades clockwise to help direct warm air downwards during colder months.
Test backup generators
If you have a backup generator, test it to ensure it’s in working condition in case of power outages.
Check for BBB Accreditation for any professionals you may hire. Go to BBB.org to find a business you can trust. Always look for the BBB seal. It’s the sign of a better business.
For more information
Tips on hiring a contractor to work in or around your home. Learn more about maintaining your home on BBB’s home maintenance HQ. Look to businesses that adhere to the BBB Standards for Trust. Read more about BBB’s Accreditation Standards.
The BBB is a nonprofit, business-supported organization that sets and upholds high standards for fair and honest business behavior. Most BBB services to consumers are free of charge. BBB provides objective advice, free BBB Business Profiles on more than 5.3 million companies, 11,000 charity reviews, dispute resolution services, alerts and educational information on topics affecting marketplace trust. Visit bbb.org for more information. BBB Serving Central East Texas was founded in 1985 and serves 19 counties.