The Warren County Board of Commissioners worked through a full agenda during its Nov. 6 regular monthly meeting.
During the meeting, the board:
• Heard a report from Joyah Bulluck of Congressman Don Davis’ district office providing an update on Davis’ service in Congress and the work of the district office to connect with constituents in the local area.
• Heard public comments on the following topics: recognizing Soul City rather than Manson as the location of property being considered for a Vance-Granville Community College Transportation Hub in Warren County, the history of Soul City and its continuing importance, and the opportunities that Soul City offers Warren County today; the impact of the small grants programs on local small businesses and how these businesses can boost the economy of the county as a whole; ongoing requests for the county to adopt district voting for seats on the board of county commissioners and to allocate funding for this fiscal year toward developing a new community/senior center, along with a request for a study of the use of county finances; and problems created by hunting dogs roaming on private property.
• Adopted the following resolutions: Supporting Operation Green Light to honor veterans, declaring November as Native American Heritage Month; honoring the life of longtime attorney and former district attorney David Waters, supporting the myFutureNC local attainment goal for Warren County that 2,475 individuals aged 25 to 44 will have a high-quality credential or postsecondary degree by 2030. The goal will involve a partnership between the Warren County Board of Commissioners, along with leaders in business, education, state and local government, and community organizations.
• Approved a budget amendment making the following appropriations in general fund balance (cash reserves) carryover: $40,000 from Radios/Equipment to upfit vehicles purchased this fiscal year, but budgeted last fiscal year; $7,098 from general fund balance to Animal Control for donations unspent last fiscal year; $35,000 of general funds to the Board of Elections for roof repair budgeted last fiscal year; $7,700 of general funds to cover Camcor purchase for library budgeted last fiscal year and received this fiscal year; $25,000 of general funds to the Economic Development Commission for Capital Broadcasting Marking second installment budgeted last fiscal year and paid this fiscal year; $50,000 of general funds to cover WiFi fiber from Spectrum budgeted last fiscal year for Board of Elections and Parks and Recreation, but completed this fiscal year. The budget amendment also appropriates the following in revenue: $30,000 in the Animal Control budget for Margaret Petrie Grant funds received, and $1,500 in the library budget for NC Community Foundation Grant funds received.
• Approved an amendment to the board of commissioners’ rules of procedure to allow a commissioner to attend a meeting virtually.
• Approved a tuition reimbursement policy and telework policy amendments for county employees.
• Approved a resolution authorizing the county’s spending plan for funds received as part of the Opioid Settlement.
• Approved a 2024 board of county commissioners’ meeting schedule and 2024 holiday schedule.
• Approved the annual Home Care Community Block Grant County Funding Plan to be submitted to the Kerr-Tar Regional Council of Governments.
• Approved revisions to the Family Medical Leave Act Policy for county employees. The revisions impact how Family Medical Leave is calculated.
• Approved a resolution declaring as surplus property several office desks and chairs, microfilm reader with printer and table, and sound system equipment. The resolution also authorizes disposal by online auction.
• Approved the re-appointment of April Williams to the Social Services Board of Directors for a second three-year term which will end on Sept. 30, 2026.